Ellison Scholars FAQs
Who can apply for the Ellison Scholars programme?
Applicants from all over the world can apply, as long as they meet the programme’s eligibility and selection criteria.
What costs does the Ellison Scholars programme cover?
Tuition fees for the Ellison Scholars’ chosen undergraduate or graduate degree at the University of Oxford will be paid in full by EIT. In addition, Ellison Scholars will receive an annual cost of living grant (paid monthly), which will significantly exceed the funds needed to cover:
- Accommodation and food costs
- Additional living costs for studies
- The equivalent of paid internships for work on innovation projects
EIT will cover travel between a Scholar’s home and Oxford each year, any additional travel as needed for the programme, and provide initial set up funds, e.g. to purchase new technology needed for studies. The scholarship is funded by the generosity of Larry Ellison, Chief Technology Officer of Oracle and EIT Faculty Fellow.
How many scholarships are offered each year?
The Ellison Scholars programme will select approximately twenty students each year.
Does the Ellison Scholars programme cover graduate study?
The Ellison Scholars programme covers both undergraduate and graduate level courses at the University of Oxford. There is a separate application and selection process for the undergraduate and graduate (DPhil/PhD) Ellison Scholars programme.
Does the scholarship cover study at another university?
The Ellison scholarship currently funds study at the University of Oxford only.
Which Oxford colleges can I apply to as an Ellison Scholars applicant?
In Year One of the Ellison Scholars programme, we recommend that applicants apply to Jesus College, Magdalen College or St Catherine’s College — these colleges have supported the programme since its inception. If an applicant’s chosen course is not offered by any of those three colleges, you may choose another college.
Can I apply to other scholarships and universities at the same time?
Given the selective nature of this opportunity, we recommend applicants explore other options alongside their application to this programme.
As an Ellison Scholar, how will I spend my time in Oxford?
In addition to completing a degree at the University of Oxford, Ellison Scholars will have year-round involvement in an EIT project. For undergraduate Ellison Scholars, there will be a particular focus on the project during the long summer vacations. Graduate Ellison Scholars will work year round on the innovation projects as part of their doctoral research.
The Ellison Scholars programme also offers cutting-edge programming designed to upskill Scholars and to enable them to chart a bespoke self-development course.
There will also be opportunity for Scholars to get involved in college and university life through the many and varied clubs and societies.
How do I apply for the Ellison Scholars programme?
Prospective applicants must review the eligibility and selection criteria outlined on this website. If these criteria are met, they can access the online application form through the link provided on our Apply page. Only applications submitted online by the deadline will be considered.
I am struggling to get an academic reference because my school/university is closed.
We understand that obtaining an academic reference during the summer break can be challenging, especially if an applicant’s school or university is closed. We ask that applicants make every effort to submit a complete application, including all references, ahead of the deadline of 1 August, 4pm (UK time).
If applicants meet the eligibility and selection criteria for the programme but are unable to secure an academic reference within this timeframe, they must ensure they still submit their application by the deadline. Where references are missing, we may contact applicants to discuss the extenuating circumstances regarding the missing reference(s). The application will still be considered, and we will work with applicants to find a suitable solution.
When should I apply to the programme?
For the first cohort of Ellison Scholars, applications for undergraduate study will be open May – August 2024 for study commencing in Oxford in October 2025. This means that if applicants wish to start their degree programme immediately after they complete their schooling, they will likely need to apply during the penultimate year of high school. If applicants want to take a gap year after school, and their academic year runs from September to July, they would apply for the Ellison Scholars programme in their final year of school.
Please note that if applicants are accepted to the Ellison Scholars programme, they will not be able to defer their place at the University of Oxford.
Should I apply to the programme before I have received my qualifications?
Yes — we envision that many applicants will be applying with predicted grades, rather than their final grades. Please read through the selection criteria and eligibility pages carefully before applying.
Which undergraduate courses does the Ellison Scholars programme support?
The Ellison Scholars programme will fund any full-time undergraduate course at the University of Oxford for the duration of the course – this includes all three-year bachelor’s degrees (e.g. BA), four-year integrated master’s degrees (e.g. MChem or MMath), the four-year graduate-entry medicine degree, and the full six-year undergraduate medicine degree.
Applicants should note that they will need to provide a strong rationale for how they intend to use their course to support their work on their chosen EIT project.
When should I apply to the University of Oxford?
Please refer to the University of Oxford’s website to learn more about their undergraduate admissions process. Ellison Scholars programme applicants who are shortlisted as undergraduate semi-finalists will need to apply by the University’s deadline of 15 October 2024.
Please note that while part of the Ellison Scholars selection process, admissions for the University of Oxford is a separate and independent process. Candidates who are not selected as Ellison Scholars semi-finalists are welcome to apply to the University of Oxford, but will not be considered for the Ellison scholarship.
How does the selection process work?
The Ellison Scholars selection process for undergraduate study is more marathon than sprint. It starts with an online application to the Ellison Scholars programme and a review process, after which semi-finalists will be invited to apply to their chosen degree at the University of Oxford (University’s admissions is a completely independent process). Those who receive an offer of study at the University of Oxford automatically become Ellison Scholars Finalists. The last stage of the application process will include interviews, with final selection decisions being made by the EIT Faculty. For more details and timings, please visit our webpage here.
When will I hear back about my application?
We will be sharing updates after each stage of the selection process, but the final stage of the undergraduate Ellison Scholars selection process is planned to take place in March 2025 and so successful applicants will find out the outcome of their application no later than April 2025. Those selected as Ellison Scholars will be supported through the process from selection through to arrival in Oxford and beyond – the team is here to help!
How should I choose my EIT innovation area and project?
EIT, as a highly dynamic organisation, will be at the forefront of innovation; EIT’s research and innovation portfolio will therefore be constantly evolving. Ellison Scholars will be applying primarily to work on a specific project within a humane endeavour, and secondarily for funded study. Potential applicants should check that their passions and skillsets align with at least one of EIT’s humane endeavours.
The Ellison Scholars application form will ask which of EIT’s four humane endeavours an applicant would most like to work on. Applicants will be asked to provide information on their motivation and relevant experience. The Faculty Fellows will make final selection decisions for their respective humane endeavour and the projects.
I already have admission to the University of Oxford – can I apply for the Ellison Scholars programme?
The Scholars programme is a multi-year commitment, allowing Scholars to get the most out of their time at EIT and allowing them to contribute more meaningfully to the innovation projects. Starting at the University of Oxford as an Ellison Scholar is the optimal route.
If applicants already have an offer of study at the University, they are welcome to apply via our usual application route; they should make it clear on the application form that they have already been accepted into the University and, if they have already begun studies, which year of study they are currently in.
How do I apply for the Ellison Scholars programme?
Prospective applicants must review the eligibility and selection criteria outlined on this website. If the criteria are met, they can access the online application form through the link provided on our Apply page. Only applications submitted online by the deadline will be considered.
When should I apply to the programme?
For the first cohort of Graduate Ellison Scholars, applications for graduate study are now open for study commencing in Oxford in October 2025. Any applicants wanting to progress directly from undergraduate to graduate study will need to apply at the start of the final year of their current degree. Please note that if applicants are accepted to the Ellison Scholars programme they will not be able to defer their place at the University of Oxford.
Which graduate courses does the Ellison Scholars programme support?
The graduate Ellison scholarships cover DPhil (PhD) study only. It is most likely that Ellison Scholars will apply for a DPhil (PhD) in a subject that relates to one of the EIT’s projects. Applicants must clearly demonstrate how their chosen University of Oxford course, research proposal and expertise align with their chosen EIT project. For more information on courses offered by the University of Oxford, please check the university’s list of graduate courses. We also recommend that anyone interested in the programme reads through our eligibility and selection criteria on our website.
How does the selection process work?
Applications will be reviewed by Faculty Fellows who work on applicants’ innovation project of interest. Those who receive conditional scholarship awards after EIT review will be invited to apply to the University of Oxford for their chosen course.
Does my work at EIT need to be directly related to my DPhil (PhD) research?
Yes, graduate Ellison Scholars will work full–time on an EIT project that will also constitute their doctoral research. Scholars will work with EIT–affiliated academics on their chosen project offering a unique opportunity to integrate research and innovation with real–world applications. Please refer to the list of EIT projects for more information.
When are the DPhil (PhD) supervisors decided?
The first stage is to apply to the scholarships programme, indicating which project you would like to conduct a DPhil (PhD) in and outlining your skills and expertise that makes you a good candidate for the programme and the project. We will ask if you have any thoughts on supervision within the application form, but you should not make contact at this stage. Ahead of finalist selection and invitations to apply to the University of Oxford, selected applicants will hold discussions with EIT leadership to agree on academic supervisors. Applicants should wait until this late stage in the selection process before approaching any academic faculty at the University of Oxford.
Do I need to have completed a Master’s degree to be considered for a DPhil (PhD) at the University of Oxford?
This depends on the University of Oxford’s entry requirements for the chosen doctoral course. Applicants must check the University’s graduate course list for the individual requirements for their chosen course. Applicants can also find more information about the international qualifications accepted by Oxford here.
Can I do a part–time DPhil (PhD)?
The graduate scholarships offered by the Ellison Scholars programme cover full–time DPhil(PhD) study at the University of Oxford. Applicants who want to pursue a part–time doctoral course are welcome to email the team at [email protected] to provide a rationale and to discuss options with the team.
I already have admission to the University of Oxford – can I apply for the Ellison Scholars programme?
The Scholars programme is a multi-year commitment, allowing Scholars to get the most out of their time at EIT and allowing them to contribute more meaningfully to the EIT projects. Starting at the University of Oxford as an Ellison Scholar is the optimal route. If applicants already have an offer of study at the University of Oxford, they are welcome to apply via our usual application route; they should make it clear on the application form that they have already been accepted into the University and, if they have already begun studies, which year of study they are currently in. Graduate Ellison Scholars will work year-round on EIT projects, with their contributions and outputs forming the content of their doctoral theses. Anyone applying for the scholarship as a current University of Oxford doctoral student will need to provide rationale for how they think this could become possible if selected and how they could transition into an existing EIT project.
Do I need a nomination from my current institution to apply?
You do not need institutional nomination to apply to the graduate Ellison Scholars programme.
Still Have Questions?
To learn more about the Ellison Scholars programme, register for one of our online information sessions.
For further questions, email [email protected].